
In programming are variables placeholders used to store and manipulate data. They are like containers that hold values or references to values that can change during program execution. Variables have names that are used to identify and access their stored data. These names are often chosen to be meaningful and describe the purpose or content of the data stored in the variable.

Programmers can assign values to variables, and these values can be used in calculations, comparisons, or other operations within the program. The type of data that a variable can hold is determined by its data type, which can be numeric, string, boolean, or other types depending on the programming language being used.


Assign a variable in Python.

userName = "Sit Bibendum"
userName = "Malesuada Mollis"

Assigning multiple values to multiple variables.

a, b, c = 5, 3.2, "Hello"

Assign the same value to multiple variables at once.

x = y = z = 1000


In Rust are variables immutable by default and are declared with let.

let apples = 5;  // immutable

You can make a variable mutable with the mut keyword.

let mut bananas = 5;  // mutable

Print a line of a variable with the println macro.

If you declare a new variable with the same name as a previous variable then it is called shadowing.


Assign a variable in Swift.

var userName = "Sit Bibendum"
userName = "Malesuada Mollis"