
FluxCD is an open-source continuous delivery (cd) tool that is designed to automate application deployments and software releases in a kubernetes cluster. it follows the GitOps methodology, which means that it uses Git as the single source of truth for managing the desired state of the cluster.


Table 1: Flux Commands
Command flux Description
watch -n 10 flux get kustomizations Monitor customizations
flux suspend kustomization <name> Suspend customizations
flux resume kustomization <name> Resume customizations


To bootstrap a FluxCD installation for a Git repository, you need to follow these steps:

  1. Install FluxCD: Begin by installing FluxCD on your desired Kubernetes cluster. FluxCD is a GitOps operator that automatically syncs code changes from a Git repository to your cluster.
  2. Create a repository: Set up a Git repository that will contain your Kubernetes manifests, known as the manifests repository. This repository will serve as a source of truth for your cluster's desired state.
  3. Generate a deployment key: Generate an SSH key pair to securely authenticate your FluxCD installation with the Git repository. The public key is used to configure repository access.
  4. Configure repository access: Add the generated public key as a deploy key or set up read-only access for your Git repository. This allows FluxCD to clone the repository and synchronize it with your cluster.
  5. Bootstrap FluxCD: Use the FluxCD command-line interface or Kubernetes manifest files to bootstrap FluxCD. Provide the Git repository's URL, the SSH deployment key, and any other required configuration details.
  6. Verify and sync: After bootstrapping, FluxCD will authenticate with the Git repository and start monitoring it for changes. It will automatically apply any modifications to your cluster's state. Verify that FluxCD is syncing correctly and monitoring the desired Git repository by checking the logs and cluster state.
  7. Apply best practices: Consider implementing additional FluxCD features and best practices, such as resource automation, release management, and GitOps workflows, to enhance your deployment and maintenance processes.


Table 2: Flux Configuration Commands
Command flux Description
get kustomizations View configurations
delete kustomization <name> Delete configuration
kubectl -n flux-system delete secret flux-system Delete secret


Table 3: Flux Sources Commands
Command flux Description
get sources git View sources
get sources helm View sources
